The South Porcupine Food Bank Inc. board of directors would like to express our deep gratitude to Goldcorp Porcupine Gold Mines for the invitation to their “Goldcorp Porcupine Gold Mines’ Helping Helpers Appreciation Luncheon” yesterday, and to be in receipt of a fantastic donation of $10,000!! This donation is HUGE towards our annual operations and contributes significantly towards our Giving Tuesday to year end goal of fundraising $20,000.
We also express our deep gratitude to Cochrane District Social Services Advisory Board for the very generous donations of $4,000 grant towards our regular operating costs, and $1,000 towards family hygiene items (diapers, women’s products that are outside of our funding envelopes)!
Combined, these donations provide us with funds to cover three (3) months of regular operating expenses!
As a reminder, we have Christmas “stocking stuffers” at $20 and $10 each (income tax receipts issued), so please contact us if you are interested.
You may also make secure on-line donations at Canada Helps, where you will also receive your income tax receipt sent to your e-mail, and the funds are direct deposited to our bank account.
If you wish to mail in your donation, our mailing address is 32 Main St., South Porcupine, ON P0N 1H0.

Filed under: Local News