From October 29th – December 9, a series of mixed media paintings by local artist and teacher Marie-Josée Arsenault will be on display at the Timmins and District Hospital’s gallery.

Here you will see a variety of upcycled materials included in Arsenault’s acrylic creations. The reason behind this stylistic choice is the value she places on the environmental responsibility she should have as an artist and the legacy she should leave behind. With this medium comes a lifelike quality that becomes an integral part of each piece as the surface of the found objects interact with the light, causing them to change ever so slightly throughout the day as the sun moves across the sky.

Miss Arsenault has been practicing all types of artwork and using several mediums from early childhood and hopes to continue indefinitely. She graduated from École secondaire catholique Thériault in 1999, earning a bursary for her artwork, and four years later graduated from the University of Ottawa’s fine arts program before attending Teacher’s College in Sudbury. Creativity runs deep in the family as her father has also been a featured artist on display at the TADH, her mother is a skilled artist and crafter, her brother thrives in the medium of 3D printing, her nephews and niece enjoy music and calligraphy, while her grand-parents were wood carvers, musicians, seamstresses, bakers, and actors.

In the future, Arsenault will be offering private art instruction. Until then, you can view her artistic journey on social media by following her on Instagram @mojozart, or view her artist’s Facebook page by using this link: https://www.facebook.com/MJA-25085362143/

Filed under: Local News