The Hollinger Park is undergoing a major facelift, with many upgrades planned to take place over the next few years, and the City is asking for the public’s patience while the popular park sees changes and improvements.

Due to a report issued regarding soil contamination, significant fill is required to be added to the park. This reality provided an opportunity for the redesign of the open-space area, leading to a five-year phased plan being developed.

A conceptual design was prepared by Dillon Consulting in 2018 and the city has also secured the services of an engineering firm to complete a detailed lot grading and drainage plan to accommodate the soil that is to be added to the site.

The next steps are as follows:

  1. North Side of Park:
  • Tree cutting is currently under review based on the preliminary drainage plan. The engineer is suggesting that many of the trees on the north side of the park may be saved due to the amount and location of placement of fill in the park (which is great news!) The larger trees council wished to protect will stay;
  • Granular B fill will be stock-piled in the park. This activity started this week and the City is taking steps, through soil testing, to ensure soil added to the park is not contaminated, and will also be sifted before being spread;
  • Implementing draining component of the plan begins next week;
  • Approximately 100 trees and shrubs will be planted this year as per the Hollinger Conceptual Plan;
  • Seeding and top soil tenders closed on Wednesday of this week;
  • Surface excavation/grading and topsoil will commence next week;
  • New swing set and playground have been purchased and will be installed in September;
  • Entrance and parking lot have been tendered and will be immediately installed following soil remediation in September; and
  • Electrical Plan is in progress for the installation of lights along the figure eight skate path/rink.
  1. South Side of Park:
  • Construction on the grandstands has commenced this week;
  • Surface excavation/grading has commenced this week and the addition of topsoil is scheduled;
  • Minor drainage works to commence next week;
  • Seeding and top soil tenders closed on Wednesday of this week;
  • Ball field components have been finalized, priced and will be reinstated following sod work being completed in September;
  • Electrical upgrade bid has been amended and finalized to better reflect the budget. Work will be completed in September.

Additional improvements planned in the short-term include a central plaza/meeting place, a permanent stage to host music and entertainment and the addition of a new maintenance shed to also accommodate electrical upgrades.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding these activities, please contact the City of Timmins directly.

The complete Hollinger Park Soil Sampling report is available through the City’s website:
