*If you would like to have you or your band considered for Under The Radar, email Daly @ ryan.daly@timminsradio.rogers.com with the subject “Under The Radar”*

I could describe the new music, but it’s better to let the bands do it themselves


“A f**king loud, good time” is how the band describes an experience with BOIDS. Andy from the Montreal based punk band joins us on the show to talk about dealing with douchebags at shows, their upcoming tour with the Real Mckenzies, recording swapping, keeping busy on long tours, their show in Timmins Saturday, and we get to listen to their track “Bless This Mess”, a song about why they would rather be a hardworking touring band over working a regular 9-5. Enjoy the interview and scroll down for more BOIDS. Don’t forget to subscribe to UTR on iTunes! 

BOIDS are:
Mike G
Pic: Facebook.com/BOIDSmtl



Stream (or buy) the latest BOIDS release, Superbafrango, below!

Thank you for listening. Come back each Friday for new music you SHOULD be paying attention to. For more music and arbitrary thoughts follow me on Twitter @DalyRy or visit me on Facebook.