*If you would like to have you or your band considered for Under The Radar, email Daly @ ryan.daly@timminsradio.rogers.com with the subject “Under The Radar”*

I could describe the new music, but it’s better to let the bands do it themselves


Noé Talbot brings a punk attitude and feel to an acoustic folk setting on his latest solo album.  Noé joins Daly on the show to talk about his upcoming show in Timmins, writing solo opposed to with his band Fortune Cookie Club, and sparks a great discussion about how music breaks down language barriers. Whether he does shows for English fans in Ontario, French fans in Quebec, or even playing as far as Germany – the music still gets across. We end it off with the track ““. Enjoy the interview and scroll down for more Noé Talbot!

If you enjoy the program, don’t forget to rate & subscribe to Under The Radar on iTunes.

Noé Talbot
Pic: Facebook.com/Noé Talbot




Stream (or boy) his latest album, “Déballer le présent” below:

Thank you for listening. Come back each Friday for new music you SHOULD be paying attention to. For more music and arbitrary thoughts follow me on Twitter @DalyRy or visit me on Facebook.