hwy 101Slowing down is a little less abrupt with two new areas with sparkling new speed limit signs.

The first is just east of Schumacher until just passed the Porcupine Ski Runners turn off going towards South Porcupine.  This one was done by the city, and Mayor Steve Black says beforehand, this section would go from 60km/h to 80km/h limits going eastbound instantly.

For those coming into town, it means you don’t have to slam the brakes from 80 to 60 and can ease into the speed limit.

The other speed limit change is just east of the city limits out of Porcupine.  That change was done by the MTO, and is for the same reasons as the change done by the city but only this one helps the speed limit difference that used to be from 90km/h down to 50km/h.