Ever since that episode of Seinfeld aired, I’ve dared to dream to dream & get paid. Well, one 19-year-old created “The Shcnap“! It got its name from “nap in a snap” & not to be confused with Schnapps (which will also help put you to sleep but might get you let go from your workplace after a meeting with HR where you try convince them you’re “just being awesome” when in reality that plastic plant doesn’t need to be watered by any means let alone the one you’re doing).


This might help out the office a TON because there are studies that show napping at work (even for 10 minutes) can help with productivity.  Would you consider investing in this? I mean let’s review:

  • Encouraging naps;
  • It’s a hammock;
  • Possibility of increasing productivity at work;
  • NAPS!


I’m going to email my HR department to see if we can expense one of these fine products after I’m done “being awesome”.


Thanks for reading & stay connected with me on Twitter: @ChrisFudali