
The Timmins Economic Development Corporation in partnership with The Venture Centre is currently leading a project to develop an Age-Friendly Community Strategy for the City of Timmins.

The City of Timmins recently received funding from the Government of Ontario as part of its Age-Friendly Community Planning Grant Program. The funding program supports local governments and community organizations to undertake strategic planning and develop local plans to address aging demographics and enable people of all ages to fully participate in community life.

According to the 2011 Census, 36% of the Timmins Population is now over the age of 50 years.  This means that 15,350 of our 43,165 residents are currently over the age of 50.

A Steering Committee comprised of 17 local organizations has been established to lead the project and is looking to engage the 50+ population within the City to obtain their feedback as to how Timmins can become a more Age-Friendly City.


A consulting firm (Paquette Management Services) has been retained to assist the Steering Committee in developing this strategy by conducting research, facilitating consultation with seniors and preparing a detailed summary report.

An extensive consultation process with the local senior’s population has been planned and it is expected that the older adult population will have numerous opportunities to provide their ideas and opinions through a Town Hall meeting, focus groups, interviews and on-line surveys.  This consultation process is scheduled to take place in January and February (2016) and this feedback will be used to identify priorities for action and implementation within the City.

Mayor Steve Black expressed “Our seniors have helped shape our great city and I look forward to ensuring the community continues to address the needs of our aging population and ensuring our seniors maintain a great quality of life here in Timmins.  The public consultation will be a great opportunity to ensure we continue to listen and address the needs and desires of seniors within our community.”