*If you would like to have you or your band considered for Under The Radar, email Daly @ ryan.daly@timminsradio.rogers.com with the subject “Under The Radar”*

I could describe the new music, but it’s better to let the bands do it themselves

Timmins own Lee Hannigan is on the first Under The Radar of 2016! We chat about playing in bands with very different genre’s, why it’s VERY important to back up your records, the evolution of  old songs as time goes by, his upcoming show with The Devin Cuddy Band (Son of Blue Rodeo’s Jim Cuddy), and we take a listen to his track, “A Long Way From You”. Enjoy the interview!

Photo Credit: Brian Jones
Lee Hannigan
Backing Band:
Drums – Adrian Richard
Piano – Bob Pell
P.Bass – Greg Vintar

Tickets are available for the January 16th show with The Devin Cuddy Band. For more information click here.

Thanks for listening! Come back each Friday for new music you SHOULD be paying attention to.
For more music and arbitrary thoughts follow me on Twitter @DalyRy or visit me on Facebook.