summerconcertseries_spotlightTourism Timmins and Midnight Express are getting ready for this year’s edition of Summer Concert Series with support from title sponsors, James Toyota and HGS. The 7th annual Summer Concert Series 2016 gets underway on June 29th from the TH&VS Pavilion, Hollinger Park.

This musical event will feature local talent or talent with a connection to the City every Wednesday evening starting June 29th to August 31st, 2016 from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm. The 10 week showcase of musical talent will feature 20 performing artists of different genres including classical, big band, symphony, country, rock, pop, progressive rock, adult contemporary, alternative and blues. In addition there will be two, and possibly four concerts in Porcupine. The second annual Bannerman Park Porcupine Summer Concerts could feature artists on Thursday, July 14 and 28, and again on August 11 and 25.

A voluntary admission of non perishable goods will be implemented again this year in support of both the Timmins and South Porcupine food banks.

Val Venneri, Sales Manager, James Toyota agreed to lead the weekly voluntary admission.

“James Toyota is delighted at the opportunity to co-sponsor a proven community event and just as importantly, to be on the ground-floor assisting two organizations that mean so much to the community and the many individuals that depend on them. The Summer Concert Series will be a great way to fill the shelves of both agencies just ahead of the school year, where children need nourishment to succeed academically” added Venneri.

“Based on the success of the last 6 years, I’m not surprised to see so many musicians from all over Ontario enquiring about playing Hollinger Park this summer” said Luc Chalifoux of Midnight Express and co-host of the Summer Concert Series. “Again this year and as was the case the previous 6 years, we will do our best to hire Timmins bands or bands with a Timmins connection. Already we have received interest from many artist living throughout Ontario.”

“There is a huge appetite from the community, and obviously, from the musicians for this event. The generous corporate support from James Toyota, HGS, co host Midnight Express, and our media partners has allowed us to go forward for the 7th annual Summer Concert Series” echoed Guy Lamarche, Manager of Tourism Events for the City of Timmins.

“The public call to action inviting musicians to submit an application is being issued effective today. Applications will be accepted to 12 noon, May 20th 2016. Musicians will find the application at Go to events & attractions/hosted events.

“The Summer Concert Series appeals to residents of the Greater Timmins area many of which make the weekly trip, and to the many long haul tourists here enjoying the great outdoors either at a Provincial Park or a neighboring resort or lodge. This was clearly the case last year with surveys being completed by visitors from New Market, Toronto, Cornwall, Manitoulin Island, Smith Falls, Vernon BC, Detroit and Toulouse France.” said Guy Lamarche.

This year’s lineup will be posted at at the end of May.