Calabrian President/CEO Randy Owens speaks at a Chamber of Commerce event at the McIntyre Arena. (Mark Pare/ROGERS MEDIA)
Calabrian President/CEO Randy Owens speaks at a Chamber of Commerce event at the McIntyre Arena. (Mark Pare/ROGERS MEDIA)


Everything looks to be on time and on budget for Calabrian Corporation.

They’ve been building towards opening their new sulfur dioxide manufacturing plant in the east end of Timmins for the last couple years.

CEO Randy Owens was in town at a breakfast presentation, explaining their stance as a business and where they stand with the Timmins plant.  This plant is a hub of the new rail industrial park.

But product won’t be sent by just rail.

Owens says many of the area mines won’t have rail access, so they will utilize trucks to get their product to the right destination.

He anticipates about 4-8 trucks will leave the site every day with product.

This week was the first week of training for new employees.  Owens says they will be sent down to Texas to have more hands-on training, while workers from Texas will be in town when the plant starts up production to help with any hiccups.

Owens adds the company has many safety regulations in place, and gives a nod to Goldcorp for their help in the matter.

Filed under: Local News