It’s real hot out there! Here are some easy ways to cool off during a hot day!


1. Drink (Water)

It may seem like no surprise that staying hydrated can keep you healthy and cool this summer! Make sure you have plenty to drink when the heat hits! What is on the drink menu!? Water of course!  Here are some water drinking tips!

Don’t wait until you are thirsty to drink! If you wait too long to hydrate, you can become dehydrated and suffer from related symptoms like dizziness, fatigue and so on!

Freeze your water bottle before you head out! Take the frozen water bottle with you on your hike or beach day, by the time you are ready to take a sip, the heat will have melted your frozen water to the perfect ice cold temperature for a next level thirst quench!

Find a water drinking app on your phone! This can help you monitor your water consumption and keep you on the right track!



2. Don’t cook.. with your oven

This is mainly for those without AC in their home.

It is pretty safe to say that an oven creates tons of nutritional goodness however, it also produces tons of heat!

Finding foods that you can cook alternatively, either with a BBQ, with your microwave or on your stove top is key during a heatwave! You can also order take out from one of our amazing local restaurants!


3. Rock on with your Block on.

We all know how powerful the sun can be! This pie in the sky can make you sweat, but it can also burn your skin!

Protecting yourself from harmful rays is cool! Don’t forget to apply sunblock to prevent yourself from getting burned! A sun burn can not only damage your skin permanently, but it makes it very difficult to cool off.

Sunblock tips:

  • Keep in mind the SPF.  If you’re planning on being outside for a while, SPF 30 would be a great option.
  • Reapply often. Every two hours is recommended, but it should be reapplied more often if you’re swimming or sweating a lot.


4. Close your Curtains!

Closing your curtains during the day can be a great way to prevent heat from entering your home. Blocking the sun’s powerful rays from heating up your place will be something you thank yourself for later on in the evening! The sun can heat up a room really fast, so keep those curtains shut!


5. Listen to ROCK!

We all know that the best way to keep cool this summer is to listen to 92.1 ROCK! Take your mind off the heat and place it back on the love of ROCK music!

Listen to live concerts and classic vinyl here!




Filed under: hot days, stay cool, Summer