Thanks to the Porcupine Kinsmen, TADH healthcare professionals are getting more assistance with finding the best veins for IV starts and blood draws.  Sam Barbuto, Kinsmen President, and Ron Lafreniere, Kinsman Bingo, presented the TADH Foundation a cheque for over $9,000 that was used to purchase another Accuvein.

Photo Provided by: TADH

Sam Barbuto stated “we heard staff loved how Accuvein illuminates veins to help reduce the number of sticks needed to insert an IV” particularly in the very young or elderly in whom dehydration is most prone.  “This additional donation will benefit more areas of the hospital and decrease discomfort and anxiety for patients.”

Photo Provided by: TADH

“The Foundation is grateful to the Porcupine Kinsmen, without their support access to this essential tool would not be possible. Funds donated to the Foundation go towards new equipment purchases and infrastructure upgrades, which is not covered by government operational funds” says Barb McCormick, Manager of Donor Relations, TADH Foundation.

Filed under: Local News