The Timmins Police Service has charged a local man with mischief related offences stemming from an incident which occurred during the afternoon hours of Wednesday, October 30th in front of a Sixth Avenue residence.
A Timmins Police Service officer responded to a call regarding a suspicious vehicle.

Once on scene, the vehicle was located and the lone male occupant was interviewed once he had brought the vehicle to a complete stop.

The ensuing investigation revealed that the driver was allegedly under suspension and that the vehicle was not covered by automobile insurance
It was also determined that the driver was bound by a number of conditions imposed by the courts related to a probation order and a recognizance..

The driver became physically resistant with the police officer during the arrest that followed.
Upon arrival at the police station, the subject is further alleged to have issued verbal threats to the officers and caused damage to the cell area.

As a result of the incident, Michael HOWIE, 44, of Timmins, Ontario, has been charged with:
– Resist Peace Officer contrary to the Criminal Code of Canada – Utter Threats contrary to the Criminal Code of Canada. – Mischief contrary to the Criminal Code of Canada – 2 counts of Fail to Comply with Probation Order contrary to the Criminal Code of Canada – 2 counts of Fail to Comply with Recognizance contrary to the Criminal Code of Canada

The accused is further charged with:
– Drive While Under Suspension contrary to the Highway Traffic Act
– Use Plates Not Authorized for Vehicle contrary to the Highway Traffic Act
– Fail to Apply for Permit on Becoming Vehicle Owner contrary to the Highway Traffic Act
– Drive Without Valid Insurance contrary to the Compulsory Automobile Insurance Act
The accused was held in police custody awaiting a bail hearing slated for this morning at Provincial Court in Timmins to answer to the charges laid against him.

Filed under: Local News