Every year for quite some time now, Timmins Police, Porcupine Health Unit, and the school boards team up to talk to students from grade 3-5 about bike safety. The main focus is how to not crack your head wide open, and why it’s important to wear a bike helmet. Constable Rick Lemieux from Timmins Police has been teaching, and helping run this program for the last 17 years. He says it has been around for much longer, but the program works.

” There are three reasons as to why we tell kids to wear their helmets: it’s important to protect your brain, it’s the law, and the third reason is because our “Helmets On Campaign starts in July.”

Although it is extremely rare to see a fine handed out for a student under the age of 18, it can happen. The fine is $75; now that’s not a lot for most adults, but does your 13 year-old have that kind of money? Maybe, but he or she probably doesn’t want to spend it on a fine… So if you don’t want your child to have to pay a fine; it’s simple… they can put their helmet on.

Now you might still be wondering what is the ” Helmets On Campaign”?

“If an officer notices a child on his bike while wearing his or her helmet we stop and give them a ballot for a chance to win a new bike, some free mini putt, and a free swim at the SportsPlex.” -Said Lemieux.

This Campaign has been around forever and it sounds like it works too. You may not notice the difference as much as the officers would, but it does make a difference. These tips can save lives and allow kids to ride their bikes in a safe way. How cool would it be to win all of those Prizes? All of those just for simply wearing a bike helmet and being safe!

Filed under: Local News