The Timmins Police Service has charged two local men with Impaired Driving
related Criminal Code offences stemming from separate incidents that occurred during the past
weekend in Timmins.

While on general patrol of his assigned zone, a Timmins Police Service officer came upon a
collision at the intersection of Mountjoy and Algonquin Blvd at approximately 8:00 p.m. on
Saturday, October 10th.

Upon interviewing one of the drivers, significant signs of impairment were noted by the Timmins
Police officer.

An open container of liquor was located within the vehicle in plain sight of the investigating
officer and seized as evidence.

A roadside screening device breath test was completed and based on the outcome of that test,
the driver was arrested and taken into police custody for the purposes of Intoxilyzer breath
testing procedures.

As a result of the incident, Harrison ETHERINGTON, 24, of Timmins, has been charged with:
– Impaired Operation of a Motor Vehicle contrary to the Criminal Code of Canada
– Operate Motor Vehicle – Concentration in Excess of 80 mgs of Alcohol per 100 mls of Blood
contrary to the Criminal Code of Canada
– Novice Driver – BAC Over Zero contrary to the Highway Traffic Act
– Operate Motor Vehicle – Open Container of Liquor contrary to the Liquor Licence Act
– Fail to surrender Insurance Card contrary to the Compulsory Automobile Insurance Act

The accused was released from police custody on the strength of an Undertaking compelling
him to attend at Provincial Court in Timmins on October 27th to address the charges laid against

In a separate incident later that same evening (October 10th), another Timmins Police Service
officer located a vehicle on Tamarack Street that had been the subject of a driving complaint
received earlier in the evening.

Upon interviewing the driver as he was exiting the vehicle, significant signs of impairment were
noted by the Timmins Police officer.
Standard Field Sobriety Testing (SFST) procedures were undertaken by the Timmins Police

Based on the outcome of that test, the driver was arrested and taken into police custody for the
purposes of Intoxilyzer breath testing procedures.
As a result of the incident, Steve TAILLEFER-GUERTIN, 30, of Timmins, has been charged with:
– Impaired Operation of a Motor Vehicle contrary to the Criminal Code of Canada
– Operate Motor Vehicle – Concentration in Excess of 80 mgs of Alcohol per 100 mls of Blood
contrary to the Criminal Code of Canada

The accused was released from police custody on the strength of an Undertaking compelling
him to attend at Provincial Court in Timmins on October 28 th to address the charges laid against