At this time, the current number of confirmed positive cases is now 82, four of which remain active. Visit COVID-19: Cases for information about positive cases in the Porcupine Health Unit area.

The mandatory wearing of masks and face coverings in indoor public spaces has been put into effect for just over two months now. While we know it took some getting used to and came with growing pains, it’s great to see that it is starting to become more routine and second-nature to grab one before leaving the house. That being said, there’s been an increase of sightings in those not wearing masks when out in the public and by staff working at certain businesses.

We want to remind everyone to be kind, that not everyone is able to wear a face covering due to age or medical reason, and that a reason for not wearing one does not need to be provided. As a member of the general public, speak to a manager if you see an issue with their staff and the use of masks. As a business owner, remind staff of the protocols when at work for their own safety and for the safety of the clients. Workplace resources can be found here: COVID-19: Businesses and Workplaces. For information on face coverings specifically for both the public and businesses visit: COVID-19: Masks and Face Coverings.

Wearing face coverings is only one way to help spread the COVID-19 virus. It does not replace physical distancing. Additionally, continue to wash your hands often, use hand sanitizer when water and soap is not available, and practice coughing and sneezing etiquette.

Our COVID-19 Information line is open today from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Call the toll-free number, 1-800-461-1818 or the PHU office in your community. See our office listings for local contact numbers.

Filed under: Local News