Kamiskotia Snow Resort, can now shed some light on the night life at the resort thanks to an $8000 donation from Glencore Kidd Operations.

Cameron Grant, Kamiskotia Snow Resort Chair of the Board of Directors, Eric Philipow, Kamiskotia Snow Resort General Manager, Victoria Whissel, Glencore Kidd Operations Communications and Community Relations Coordinator, and Gary Morin, Glencore Kidd Operations Manager of Maintenance and Engineering .Photo taken by: Alain Quevillon (ROGERS SPORTS & MEDIA)

“Everything else has been updated to LED lighting so, this should help out with our Hydro bills and permitting us to be energy efficient once again. Our Hydro all around the resort is still pretty antiquated so, every little bit we can do to get every components moving forward… every little bit helps.” Eric Philipow Kamiskotia Snow Resort General Manager

Philipow went on to add, that there are still a few fixtures to install in the parking lot but, they have been installing the lights for the last month so everything is almost all set.

Most of the lights are mainly set up around the tube park. So with the addition of the new lights… Night Tubing just got better!

Filed under: Local News