The Timmins Police Service has charged a Quebec man and his young offender counterpart with possession of a stolen vehicle stemming from an incident that occurred during the evening hours of Friday, January 31st.

While completing patrols of the down town core, a Timmins Police Service officer came upon two male persons pushing a vehicle along Birch Street North, claiming that the vehicle had run out of fuel.

Further investigation by the Timmins Police Service officer determined that the 2013 Nissan Maxima passenger vehicle was a stolen vehicle from Gatineau Quebec.

The men were arrested and taken into custody without incident.
The vehicle was impounded as evidence by the Timmins Police Service.

As a result of the incident, Mathieu LEPINE-LESSARD, 19, of Buckingham, Quebec, and a 17 year old male young offender from Quebec have been charged with:
– Possession of Property Obtained by Crime contrary to the Criminal Code of Canada.

Both accused persons remain in police custody awaiting a bail hearing slated for this morning at Provincial Court in Timmins to answer to the charges laid against them.

Filed under: Local News