District School Board Ontario North East (DSB1) is proud to announce that it is launching monthly vignettes to highlight how we are bringing our Strategic Plan to life. These short videos are created by the Strategic Plan Staff Committee and will highlight a specific priority from our Strategic Plan each month.

The first vignette was launched in early January and was presented to the Board of Trustees on Tuesday, January 8th. This first video showcases a culture of caring at DSB1, featuring initiatives that took place in our schools and Board offices in December to support our communities for the holiday season. The video is available on DSB1’s YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5-qbYf3wgCA&t=2s

“This is a first for us. The vignettes are a great example of innovative practices within our Board and are a reflection of our focus on sharing all of the great things happening at DSB1,” said Board Chair, Bob Brush.

“We are so proud to share this first vignette. It is building momentum for our Strategic Plan and showcasing the great things our students and staff are doing. We look forward to sharing more in the months to come,” added Director of Education, Lesleigh Dye.

DSB1 approved a new Strategic Plan in June 2018, guiding the work of the Board until 2021. Over 2,000 voices from across our regions informed the three priorities and eight commitments found in our plan. For more information on DSB1’s Strategic Plan, visit our website at www.dsb1.ca

Filed under: Local News