The Temiskaming Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) would like to remind drivers that winter weather can change very quickly.

Motorists need to be flexible in their driving habits to compensate for whatever weather conditions lay ahead. Driving according to the road conditions could save your life or the life of others.

If the roads are icy, try to stop and wait for conditions to improve, or reduce your speed to a bare minimum. Powder snow is a sign that the true condition of the highway is hidden.

There is very little difference between packed snow and ice. Slush has a mind of its own, so you need to reduce your speed.

It is best not to go out in white out conditions, but if you find yourself caught in these conditions, reduce your speed and look for a safe location to pull off the roadway.

Even though the pavement is bare, there could be black ice. 

Always clear snow and ice from your windows, lights, mirrors and roof. Wait for fog on your windows to clear so you will have good visibility.

A winter survival kit is a priority. Some items to carry are: first aid kit, extra clothes, a blanket, high energy food, flares, and flashlight, winter boots, candles, matches and booster cables.

Plan on extra time to reach your destination and bring extra medication or food if you require same, just in case you get delayed in road closures or severe weather.

It is recommended that you install four winter tires. They are safer for handling in slippery and snowy conditions as they have better traction and braking. Check your air pressure regularly.

Make this the best winter driving season ever by driving carefully and arriving safely.

Filed under: Local News