In keeping with Crime Prevention Week, the Timmins Police Service is issuing general crime prevention tips

1)Thefts from unlocked vehicles are deemed to be a crime of opportunity. Small, yet valuable items, like cell phones, i-pads, or things of that nature, should not be stored in a vehicle for any longer than necessary.

2)If they must be carried in your vehicle, and the Timmins Police Service advises against this practice, they should be hidden from sight, as not to entice petty criminals.

3)Purses left in plain sight in a vehicle serve as an enticement to thieves as well. Purses should be carried with you or stored in the trunk, if you are going to be absent from your vehicle for any period of time.

4)The name of the game is to reduce enticement for these night crawlers and other petty thieves.

5)If it is valuable, it should be treated as such, and not stored in your vehicle.

6)In regards to thefts from sheds and garages, a locked door sends a firm message but there are other simple measures that will reduce the likelihood of being a victim of theft.

7)Access points should have quality locking devices, such as a dead bolt, installed and in use to deter thefts.

8)Use curtains on any garage and basement windows to prevent your property from being noticed by those persons lurking in your neighborhoods with prying eyes

9)Proper lighting or motion sensor lighting will deter illicit activity on your property.

10)Citizens are reminded that daylight break-ins do in fact occur

Filed under: Local News