You’ll find the Timmins Minor Hockey Association in a new office from now on.

The TMHA officially opened their new office location at 97 Pine St. South yesterday, with members of the Downtown Timmins BIA, Timmins Chamber of Commerce and City of Timmins present.

Jamie Roach, President of the Timmins Minor Hockey Association, said this was a three year search for suitable office space, and that the TMHA offices had, up until now, been in the basement of the Sportsplex.

“[It’s] a great space for hockey,” Roach said, “[but] was not particularly conducive to day-to-day office operations. So we began our search approximately three seasons ago.”

The TMHA settled on the new location at 97 Pine St. South, and according to Roach, it’s thanks to the work of the Board and the new landlord, Dan Ayotte.

Roach says the TMHA will keep doing what it’s always done, just in better digs.

“[It’s a] continuation of the work we’re already doing,” Roach said, “just under nicer and better circumstances. Heat, air conditioning; all of the things you come to expect in an office space that were lacking at our previous location.”

On hand for the opening of the new Timmins Minor Hockey Association office building were members for the Downtown Timmins BIA, members of the Timmins Chamber of Commerce, Mayor Steve Black, Councillor Mike Doody, NOHA District Rep Derek Byrnes, and NOHA 3rd Vice Ted Zajac.

When asked for final comment on the opening, Roach simply said, “Go North Stars!”


Filed under: Local News