Northern College is proud to celebrate the inclusion efforts being undertaken by a group of Timmins campus students.

Third year nursing students are writing positive messages on post it notes and placing them all around campus. The class chose to participate in the hashtag DOSOMETHING campaign organized by Jack.org in an effort to help encourage a dialogue about mental health and suicide awareness.

Choosing from eight possible ideas, students chose ‘Stick it to Kindness.’

“We chose to participate in the Stick it to Kindness initiative as we see some students at the college dealing with anxiety and mood issues,” stated Practical Nursing Professor Elizabeth Brownlee. “The students are, currently studying mental health challenges, they were actually in a professional growth class discussing learning styles and strategies across the lifespan. “

Brownlee also suggested the class take on this challenge with a culturally sensitive approach by writing the notes in a variety of different languages like French, Punjabi and Spanish.

“I followed a trail of positive affirmation notes, it was especially nice to see that they had intentionally applied stickers to several faculty doors—reinforcing that we are all in this together,” Brownlee stated.

The College is committed to ensuring students receive an education that promotes a positive outlook and inclusive attitudes towards life in both the classroom and the broader world.

“I am so proud of our college community for coming forward to do something,” Said Mental Health Lead Nichole Roy. “A number of staff and faculty have signed up for this initiative and I look forward to seeing the innovative ways our community comes together.”

Northern College is proud to support the promotion of mental health, suicide awareness, and will continue to work closely with Jack.org as well as other organizations to ensure all students feel safe and comfortable with themselves and their environment.

“Part of our commitment and responsibility as a college is to ensure our students receive a well-rounded education. In fact, this is embodied in the “Northern Experience” commitment within our strategic plan,” noted Dr. Fred Gibbons, President of Northern College. “So, to see our students taking initiative to help raise awareness of mental and emotional health on campus serves to reinforce this shared commitment.”