Regional Fire Situation – July 22, 2018

By the evening of July 22 there were 60 active forest fires across the Northeast. Of these, 28 are not yet under control, 32 are either being held, under control or being observed.

Implementation orders for travel restrictions

Travel restrictions due to active forest fires are being updated in the North Bay district, and imposed in the Pembroke and Parry Sound districts. Information will be updated above on Monday.

Three new fires in the Cochrane sector

Three new fires in the Cochrane area (20, 21, 22) are being observed approximately 100km south-southwest of Moosonee to allow for the natural benefits of fire on the landscape.

Recently confirmed fires required aerial fire suppression today

Kirkland Lake 15, near the junction of highways 65 and 66, was mapped at 3 hectares and is not yet under control. CL415 water bombers provided aerial suppression on the fire to help reduce its intensity.

North Bay 116, which was discovered yesterday and covers 5.5 hectares, is located approximately 9km west of Latchford. That fire received aerial suppression from CL415 water bombers yesterday and today.

Parry Sound 33

Parry Sound 33 was very active once again today. The fire will be remapped as soon as smoke conditions permit.

Since it was discovered on July 18, significant aerial fire suppression from CL415 water bombers and helicopter bucketing has taken place. Waterbombers continued to provide aerial suppression on the fire today to help reduce the intensity of the fire and support crews on the ground. 

Smoke was noted in many surrounding areas. In the interest of public safety, on July 21, 2018 the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF)’s Parry Sound district recommended that the communities, municipalities and townships within the area below impose a mandatory evacuation of their residents with boat access only:

  • All areas ranging from the western and northern borders of French River Provincial Park, east to Highway 69, and as far south as the south shore of the Key River; including all residents and members of the public on both the north and south shores of the French River, and the Pickerel River, as well as Hartley Bay.

There is also a recommendation by the MNRF Parry Sound district to impose an evacuation alert to all residents within this area who have road access to their residences or cottages. These residents should be prepared to evacuate pending a change in the fire situation.

In addition, the MNRF’s Sudbury district has recommended that all residents along Hartley Bay Road be placed on an evacuation alert, pending changes to the fire situation.

The Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) and Conservation Officers have been on site helping notify the public of the situation, and facilitating this evacuation.

Aviation, Forest Fire and Emergency Services (AFFES) has also been advised by Ontario Parks that the French River Provincial Park is fully closed west of Highway 69/400. All campers have been or are being evacuated. Ontario Parks has also suspended permit sales for the French River Delta and Pickerel River areas and are restricting entry to park users (everything west of Highway 69/400).

Henvey Inlet First Nation declared a state of emergency as a precautionary measure.  As of July 22 the community has successfully and safely evacuated all of its community members, who are receiving accommodation and food.

For information about the fire situation: 705-564-6165

For media inquiries: 705-564-6156

For inquiries about French River Provincial Park restrictions: 705-857-1630 ext 224

For Parry Sound District information, including all calls related to the recommendation of these evacuations and alerts, call 705-773-4218.

For updates on highway conditions, including closures, please call 5-1-1.

Pembroke 5, 6, 7 and 8

Pembroke 5, south of Grant’s Creek, is 24 hectares in size. Pembroke fires 6 and 8, the two closest to the Algonquin Park border, have merged and are now burning at an estimated 800 hectares. Pembroke 7 runs parallel to Highway 17 and covers approximately 40 hectares.

The status of these fires is still not under control.

Values protection measures (sprinklers on structures) are being undertaken in areas in close proximity to the fires. 

Sudbury 83

Sudbury 83 is located approximately 12 km north of the City of Greater Sudbury and currently listed at 53 hectares and not yet under control. This was the first day since the start of the fire on July 19 that air attack was not required to help hold the fire.

Incident Management Teams

Incident Management Teams (IMTs) are in place in the region. They are managing priority fires in three areas:

  • River Valley Cluster
  • Lake Temagami Cluster
  • Lady Evelyn Cluster

River Valley Fire Cluster:

Fire behavior was relatively quiet today and both North Bay 62 and North Bay 42 had no significant growth.

There was smoke visible on both fires, from flare ups, hot spots, and wind driven surface fire, but the perimeters were quiet.  Helicopters with buckets worked the active areas and crews continued to cut line and pull hose. 

This cluster is now monitoring North Bay 25, which is about 200 hectares in size and located in Sturgeon River Provincial Park.

Temagami Fire Cluster:

Fires in the Temagami cluster are receiving active fire suppression from 45 firefighters, with aerial support from six bucketing helicopters.

Due to the hot and dry weather there was some activity on fires in the north part of the cluster again today. Crews continue to patrol and mop up on North Bay fire numbers 55, 56, 68 and 69. Firefighters continue to monitor North Bay fire numbers 18, 19, 46, 47 and 61 and action priority areas with helicopter bucketing and CL415 water bombers.

Value protection systems (sprinklers on structures) remain on North Bay fires 55 and 56; and were added to North Bay 47.

North Bay 69, which previously caused the evacuation of 20 homes in the Temagami area, is now under control. Firefighters continue to focus on working their way deep into the interior of the fire to check for hot spots.

Lady Evelyn Fire Cluster:

Gusty winds out of the northeast, coupled with high temperatures and low relative humidity produced extreme fire behaviour today. 238 firefighters and support staff and 11 helicopters were assigned to North Bay 72.

Four CL415 Waterbombers and two bird dogs were dispatched to assist with suppression efforts on North Bay 72. North Bay 59 continues to be monitored.

Heavy helicopters continued to bucket water onto this fire, coordinating with crews on the ground.

Resources From Out of Province

  • Saskatchewan has provided one 20-person sustained attack crew, two safety officers, one agency representative, one radio operator, five additional support staff and an air tanker package.
  • Alberta has supplied fifteen 4-person initial attack fire crews, two additional 8-person crews, one 19-person Incident Management Team, two agency representatives, six division supervisors, two information officers and nine additional support staff. There are also three air tanker packages in addition to fire suppression equipment, such as pumps and hose.
  • British Columbia has supplied 20 3-person initial attack crews, two 19-person sustained attack crews and two agency representatives. Fire suppression equipment is also being provided, including hose, pumps and axes.
  • Nova Scotia has supplied five 4-person initial attack crews, one safety officer and one agency representative.
  • Prince Edward Island has supplied a 4-person initial attack crew.
  • Newfoundland has supplied two 4-person initial attack crews.
  • Northwest Territories has supplied 11 4-person initial attack crews, two agency representatives and four additional support staff.
  • Minnesota has supplied one air support group supervisor, a helibase manager trainee and a 20-person sustained attack crew.
  • Wisconsin has supplied one 8-person attack crew.
  • Mexico has supplied 104 personnel, including five 20-person sustained attack crews, two agency representatives and two strike team leaders.

Firefighting equipment

  • Alberta has provided 960 lengths of 1.5” hose, 50 power pumps with tool kits, intake hose, fuel containers, and 100 additional fuel containers. They have also provided 201 shovels, 50 pulaskis and 30 chest coolers.
  • British Columbia has provided Ontario with 1,080 lengths of 1.5” hose, 30 power pumps with tool kits, 30 intake hose, 230 fuel containers, 200 backpack pumps and 200 axes.
  • The Northwest Territories has sent 1,000 lengths of 1.5” hose to Ontario.
  • Nova Scotia has sent 25 power pump kits, tool kits, intake hose and fuel containers.
  • Newfoundland has provided 25 power pump kits, with pump, tool kit, intake hose and fuel containers; and 440 lengths of 1.5” hose.


  • Many Ontario residents have reported smoke drift in their communities. Smoky conditions are expected to continue as a number of fires remain active throughout the northeast region until weather patterns and fire activity change.
  • AFFES is reminding the public that if they do see flames or smoke, please report it, and stay away from the area in the interest of public safety.
  • If you have questions or concerns about smoke and your health, please contact Tele Health Ontario at 1-866-797-0000.


  • To report a forest fire located north of the French and Mattawa rivers, please dial 310-FIRE (3473)
  • To report a forest fire located south of the French or Mattawa rivers, please dial 911.
  • Follow us on Twitter: in English @ONForestFires or in French @ONFeuDeForêt
  • For up to date information on current fires in the province or to check the forest fire hazard in your area, visit Ontario.ca/forestfire


Due to the extreme fire hazard, several recent periods of heavy lightning and the large number of wildfires burning, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry has implemented a Restricted Fire Zone in some areas of Northeastern Ontario as outlined on the interactive fire map.

During a Restricted Fire Zone, the use of open fires – such as campfires, or burning of brush or debris, is restricted. Failure to comply could result in fines of up to $25,000 and three months in jail, as well as financial responsibility for the costs incurred in fighting a forest fire.

Portable gas or propane stoves are permitted for use for cooking or warmth, though they should be closely monitored. Portable charcoal BBQs and Hibachis are not permitted unless within 100 metres of a dwelling, or within an organized campground.

Commercial campground operators may allow their guests to enjoy campfires during a Restricted Fire Zone period provided they meet certain conditions.

The Restricted Fire Zone is a temporary measure to reduce the number of new human-caused wildfires as the Aviation Forest Fire and Emergency Services branch of the OMNRF expects the elevated forest fire hazard to continue into the foreseeable future.

The forest fire hazard is expected to be generally moderate to high across the Northeast tomorrow.



Pursuant to the Emergency Area Order signed July 12, 2018, an Implementation Order has been issued by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry prohibiting access in portions of North Bay, Sudbury and Kirkland Lake Districts where there are public safety hazards as a result of increased fire activity and where a restricted fire zone is in place (i.e. no campfires or open burning).

This Order restricts travel, access and use in an identified area (see attached map below) and may be modified regularly to reflect changing fire conditions.

This measure was put in place to protect the public and ensure public safety while allowing fire personnel to safely fight forest fires in the identified area.

All travel and use of McLaren’s Road, Gibbons Road, Baie-Jeanne Road, South Pardo Road, St. Joseph’s Road including George Gordon and Iron Lake Roads, Cooke Lake Road, Liskeard Lumber Road, Klock Lake Road, Roadhouse Tower Road, Mountain Lake Road, Goulard Road starting at Lower Goose Falls is prohibited.  In addition, use of the Red Squirrel Road beyond the Barmac Gate is prohibited.

All modes of travel/access into the closed backcountry parks (Lady Evelyn-Smoothwater, Obabika River, Makobe-Grays River, Solace and Sturgeon River Provincial Parks) and all Crown lands as outlined on the attached map is prohibited.

Crown land camping, boating, day-tripping, hiking, ATVing as well as accessing private or commercial camps and cottages are NOT permitted in the area covered by the Implementation.

Road blocks are set-up in specific locations to notify the public of the access restrictions.

If a public member believes that access within the restricted travel area is necessary for non-recreational purposes, please call 705-475-5546 to seek a travel authorization. MNRF will review the request for access based on the rationale provided, local fire activity and the potential fire risk.

Please visit Ontario.ca/forestfire to view the current access restrictions and fire activity as this site is being updated regularly.

See the restricted areas on this PDF map.  (Note: this map gets updated regularly.)

These restrictions will remain in effect until further notice.  Stay safe!