The City of Timmins would like to remind residents of the renovations to the main floor of City Hall, and temporary relocation of various departments in order to accommodate the addition of the new customer service centre.

As of May 22, 2018 all Temporary Relocations will be completed and are as follows:

The Building Inspectors and the Manager of Building Services have been relocated to the lower level of the Engineering Building at 236 Algonquin Blvd. East.

The Tax and Water Department, including Cashiers and Tax Collectors are located in the Confederation Multi Sports Complex at 303 Cameron St. South. All tax and water inquiries and payments should be redirected to that location. Stars and Thunder tickets will be available at this location as well.

The Building Plans Examiner, the Community Development Planner, the Building Department Administrative Assistant, and the Manager of Planning are located in the Clerks Department on the second floor of City Hall.

The Director of Community and Develoment Services, the GIS Coordinator, and the Assessment Property Advisor are located at the Mattagami Regional Conservation Authority (MRCA) at 100 Lakeshore Road.
Although the physical location will be temporarily changed, email and phone numbers for these departments will remain the same.

We would like to thank you for your patience and cooperation during this transition period.


The objective of Service Timmins is to raise the bar and take the City’s current decentralized customer service practices to the next level. The new centralized model will enhance the service options, provide information to staff and customers, update guidelines, and serve the community in a wide variety of ways through phased in technology and customer service. It will be a one-stop centre for providing a single point of contact for quality customer service, by phone, email, online and in person.

As the Corporation of the City of Timmins moves toward a centralized customer service centre model, several changes are being made within the organization, and we are committed to keeping you informed on the progress with these regular updates.