Ontario Power Generation (OPG) is warning the public to stay clear of dams and hydro-stations on Victoria Day weekend. Spring rain and snowmelt has caused higher water levels and faster flows among many water systems across Ontario.

“For many Ontarians, Victoria Day marks the unofficial start of summer and the beginning of sport and recreation on Ontario’s water systems,” said Mike Martelli, OPG President Renewable Generation. “With the spring melt, most water systems across the province are experiencing higher water levels and faster flows, making them dangerous and unpredictable.”

In Ontario’s Northeast, snow surveys indicate there will be higher and faster flows across many river systems. In Eastern Ontario, flows are above normal due to a generally wet spring, however water levels remain at historical averages. Conditions are expected to return to normal in the coming days, however water levels can quickly change. OPG continuously adjusts the flow through its dams to accommodate the spring melt that is causing high flows and water levels in river systems across the province. These adjustments are coordinated with the relevant river authority.

OPG operates 66 hydroelectric stations, and 241 dams on 24 river systems throughout Ontario. The smallest station has a generating capacity of just 800 kilowatts; the largest more than 1,500 megawatts.

Enjoy this Victoria Day weekend and remember to stay clear and stay safe.

For more water safety information, please visit www.opg.com/watersafety.

OPG generates safe, clean, reliable, low-cost power for Ontario. More than 99 per cent of this power is free of smog and carbon emissions. OPG’s power is priced 40 per cent lower than other generators, which helps moderate customer bills.