The Provincial Emergency Operations Centre (PEOC) has reported that Timmins is expected to receive373 evacuees from Kashechewan between Sunday, April 29 and Monday, April 30, 2018.

The First Nations community is being evacuated due to flood concerns; a plight they have been facing for years.

The Senator Hotel has entered into an agreement with Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC) to host the evacuees, providing shelter and meals to those who have been displaced from their homes. Partnerships with community agencies have also been formalized to provide education, health, social and recreational supports.

“Council and the residents of the City of Timmins welcome our neighbours from Kashechewan into our community under these difficult circumstances,” said Mayor Steve Black. “This is a reoccurring challenge for the people of this remote community, and we can only imagine how difficult it would be to experience this displacement year after year. It is our sincere hope that these residents feel comfortable in our community throughout their stay, and we are confident the team at the Senator Hotel and various community partners leading the process will provide the evacuees with excellent service and care during their stay.”

Timmins residents and Kashechewan evacuees will continue to be updated through Mayor Black and our local media partners.