The developing residential property on the Timmins Native Friendship Centre got a special visitor Wednesday evening.

Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne arrived in the area around 5:00pm to a slew of media and TNFC officials to get a full-scale tour.

It’s all part of a multi-stop tour of Northern Ontario.  Before arriving Wednesday, Wynne visited Kirkland Lake and Matachewan First Nation.

Wynne was taken through the TNFC building, into the daycare and even over to the affordable housing that is in the later stages of construction.

(Full disclosure, the homes look fantastic!)

The media didn’t get a chance to talk with Wynne, but she will spend the night in Timmins.

Kicking off Day 2 on Thursday, the Premier will hold a press conference at the Timmins YMCA around 9:15am.

Rogers Media will be at the press conference and will keep you updated with all the latest.

Afterwards, Wynne will meet one-on-one with Timmins Mayor Steve Black.

Then, she will head off to Fort Albany First Nation.



Filed under: kathleen wynne, Local News, onpoli, ontario politics, premier wynne