

Back to school time! And as most of us know, there’s a fine line between a GREAT teacher, and a not so great teacher. Sometimes we feel like they have it out for us. Sometimes they’re nice to their favorite students, and no one else…especially you. Have you ever had a bad teacher?


One that got upset about the amount of bathroom breaks you took?



Maybe a teacher that just did not want to be there?





A teacher that didn’t seem to know what they’re doing?




Or maybe a hard marker?



We’ve all had bad teachers, usually all of the above! Leave a comment with yours and lets be glad we’re done that horrible thing known as “school”.


My worst would have to be my Grade 8 Teacher, we’ll call her “Mrs. G”. I was told “Boys shouldn’t have long hair” and was kicked out of class until I got a haircut. Honestly. She ended up getting in trouble for that more than I did :)



~ Daly




Filed under: back to school, gandalf is the man, Teacher, worst teacher