P1010306The downtown BIA’s crusade to fill vacant downtown buildings is hitting it’s stride.

The campaign is aiming at not only filling the empty buildings but also has a goal to get landlords to let the BIA know when space is open for rent or for sale.  BIA manager, Noella Rinaldo says it’s about consistent branding to anyone looking to rent or own.

“We get calls constantly from people looking to rent in the downtown area so this is a way to showcase these buildings.”

Rinaldo says the campaign is going to be accompanied by a real estate style of website to further brand and showcase the buildings.

One of the biggest challenges Rinaldo and the campaign are running into is the finding a tenant for the old Tweed and Hickory building.

“It is a large building and will need a lot of retrofitting. But when you look at what prices are in Southern Ontario and what it costs to open a business, it’s quite an attractive building.”

Rinaldo says the size of the property is both attractive and unattractive to renters.  She says there’s a certain style and size of business we desperately need space for and maybe sectioning off certain buildings could solve that dilemma.

Filed under: Local News, Timmins Downtown BIA