Wake up with the sun and take in National Aboriginal Day.

It’s kicking off bright and early with a sunrise ceremony at Participark at 5:30 a.m. followed by a breakfast at the Timmins Native Friendship Centre.

Organizer, Feather Luke says everyone is invited the events at the celebration’s new location.

“It’s a wonderful opportunity for anyone in the community to learn and experience aboriginal culture. We’ve been working hard to showcase this important day.”

Following the breakfast, vendors will be setting up booths from 9 a.m. to noon when the opening ceremonies are set to run. Live music comes after that with traditional teachings closing out the day at 5 p.m.

Luke says even with the media attention being given to communities like Attawapiskat, this day is meant to reflect on those people but still maintain a positive attitude.poster

Filed under: Local News