
Sixx AM & Disturbed covering The Who & U2? OK

Dan Aykroyd  says that the upcoming Ghost Busters that everyone thinks will suck is better than the original Ghost Busters that didn’t suck

Tragically Hip fans are all riled up

New Tragically Hip tour dates

And some other stuff!


  • Today’s Viral Video is an MMA entrance that has everyone from Mickey Mouse to Spider – Man:


Posted by Esporte Interativo on Friday, May 27, 2016


  • Dan Aykroyd says that the upcoming Ghost Busters that everyone thinks will suck is better than the original Ghost Busters that didn’t suck:

“As originator of the original: Saw test screening of new movie. Apart from brilliant, genuine performances from the…

Posted by Dan Aykroyd on Sunday, May 29, 2016


  • Even if you don’t like Adele, you will like this video of her telling a fan to stop recording the show (isn’t it funny how it’s a video from someone else recording the show?) :


  • Tragically Hip fans are totally riled up because scalpers and bots bought all their pre sale tickets – DETAILS


  • But they have added some extra shows because of it:

Thank you for the support in this morning’s registered users pre-sale. Due to overwhelming demand, the following four…

Posted by The Tragically Hip on Monday, May 30, 2016


  • Sixx AM & Disturbed covering The Who & U2? OK.


  • In other surprising collab-covers, Bono joined Bruce Springsteen to cover Patti Smith:


  • A friend claims Johnny Depp is being blackmailed with false abuse claims – DETAILS


  • John Oliver thinks we need “Bread Pants” and I can’t really argue:



  • You think we have problems? Hong Kong is literally rioting in the streets over Pokémon names! – DETAILS


  • And lastly, here’s the random song I was listening to while doing this and thought I would share:



Thanks for stopping by, for more music, pop culture, and arbitrary thoughts follow me on Twitter @DalyRy or visit me on Facebook.