Timmins Police Official-BadgeThe Timmins Police Service is pleased to announce that they are taking part in a provincial initiative focusing on the dangers of distracted driving, which is the top threat to safety on roadways across Ontario.

The 2016 Drive Safe! R.I.D.E. traffic safety campaign (#DriveSafe) is promoted by the Ontario Association of Chiefs of Police (OACP).

“There’s no debate. Distracted driving is a distinct danger on our roads and highways right across our Province” said Timmins Police Traffic Sergeant Thomas Chypyha.

He further added “Deaths related to distracted driving are largely preventable if motorists simply choose not to engage in behaviors that put them, their passengers, other drivers, cyclists, and pedestrians at risk.”

Examples of distracted driving behaviors that police officers consistently report include: using a mobile device, eating and drinking, talking to passengers, grooming, use of a navigation system, and changing the radio, CD or other type of music player.

Drivers in the Timmins area are not immune to these types of driving behaviour.

The Ontario Association of Chiefs of Police (OACP) is set to launch its 2016 Drive Safe! R.I.D.E. traffic safety campaign on Wednesday, May 11 and the Timmins Police Service is eager to do its part.

Any initiative that will enhance roadway safety is welcomed by the Timmins Police Service.

During the course of their patrols, Timmins Police officers will be paying particular attention to drivers who are using handheld communication devices or performing other tasks while driving which lead to unnecessarily dangerous and easily preventable traffic occurrences.