
What could possibly be David Bowie’s last release was also his very first song recorded in North America.

From MindBodyNetwork.com:

“In the fall of 1970, a young musician from London arrived in Los Angeles to work on demo tapes for what he and his manager hoped would be a recording contract with a major label. It was David Bowie’s first trip to the United States. A few weeks after David Bowie’s death on January 10, 2016, sound engineer Ron de Strulle granted an exclusive interview on his work with Bowie. As recording engineer at Roxbury Road Studios in the Hollywood Hills, de Strulle and his partners Tom Ayers and Aynsley Dunbar were in contact with an executive at United Artists who asked if they could host “a new talent from across the pond who was beginning to make a big stir.” Impressed by the quality of recordings produced at RR Studios, United Artists promised Bowie’s manager that his client would have privacy, first class treatment, and 24/7 access to the studio. De Strulle’s song To Be Love was the first that Bowie recorded during that historic two-week trip. As the rights holder, Ron de Strulle is releasing To Be Love in loving memory of his friend David”

To download a free copy of “To Be Love”, click here.

– Daly