
It was a banner year for the Timmins Economic Development Corporation.

The organization was reporting back to city council for it’s year end review saying they had a goal of creating 80 new jobs bust instead created 101.  Another goal was to leverage at least $1 million from all levels of government, TEDC Chair Fred Gibbons says they leveraged $4.8 million and their clients brought in another $28 million — far exceeding their goals.

TEDC, CEO Christy Marinig says they’ve also held a number a training course on how to ask the government for money, she says it’s been met with relative success.

Marining also stated a new committee is being formed to really turn Timmins into a regional hub for consumers and investors.

“That’s a committee formed of tourism, the hotel sectors, the BIA, and the Timmins Chamber of Commerce.  One of the goals of that committee is to look at bringing more people in the region to Timmins and promote Timmins as a regional hub.”

When asked if Timmins was still in the hunt for a new university campus, Gibbons said we didn’t meet the criteria and it was instead award to a community North of the GTA.  He said a second satellite campus is being awarded but word is it’s going to the Mississauga area. He finished with that project is in the government;s hands now.