council group pictureTimmins city council took another big step forward in approving the 2016 budget Tuesday night.

They made over $1.6-million in cuts to projects, and are much closer to a zero per cent mill rate increase than they were at the beginning of the night.

Mayor Steve Black says this meeting tackled options from staff, after they were told to cut 2% of their individual budgets at an earlier meeting.

Some of the cuts/savings include:

  • $100,000 that would’ve gone towards the Hollinger Park grandstand
  • $750,000 from the $1.5-million set aside for the Aquatic Centre Feasibility Study
  • $100,000 from the roads capital (roads will see a $150,000 increase in 2016)
  • $40,000 from the Strategic Plan
  • $100,000 is said to be saved from addressing operating costs at the Golden Manor
  • $40,000 by closing the local landfills on Sunday’s year-round

Council is also telling various groups and boards such as the MRCA, the museum, the library, the Timmins Economic Development Corporation and the Timmins Police board to trim their presented budgets by 1%.

In another move, council decided against changing up Timmins Transit routes, but there is talk this will come back to the table later this year.

The next budget meeting is Tuesday, February 2nd.

City CAO Joe Torlone has also made it known he’d like to see the budget passed on Monday, February 8th.

The presentation to council can be found HERE.