lock it or lose itThe Timmins Police Service will be out throughout the final days of the holiday shopping season, reminding residents to “Lock it or Lose it!”

The goal of the annual campaign is to raise public awareness of the dangers of leaving vehicles unlocked and/or valuables in sight. Through a notice on a vehicle, police personnel will indicate that the vehicle was checked and found to be locked, with no valuables in sight, or unlocked and/or with valuables in sight.

The Timmins Police Service continues to receive reports of thefts from vehicles, many of which are being left unlocked. In fact, TPS’ Kate Cantin says there have been at least 40 cases reported to them since November 1st

It is the hope that the “Lock it or Lose it” campaign will serve as an important reminder to all residents that the best way to prevent theft is by locking vehicles and removing all valuables.