Timmins_Police_Service_logo_updOver $1.1-million could be added to the Timmins Police budget for 2016.

At a budget meeting Wednesday night, Police Chief John Gauthier outlined that there are a couple vehicles that need replacing, including their forensics van, as well as the van they use to transport prisoners to and from court.

The forensics van has been used for 14 years, and just a glance at it can tell you it’s been through quite a bit.

As well, Gauthier says the force is looking to roll out their “Conductive Energy Weapon” (CEW) program next year.  In lamens terms, a CEW is a taser.

Those asks alone make up the bulk of about $317,000 in spending.

Gauthier adds they are one of the last forces in Ontario to roll out the CEW program.

Mayor Steve Black says with such a large increase, they plan to cover a great deal and to not expect the high increase in future years.

With much talk in the public about suspended officers in 2015, Black says two people are currently under paid suspension and tells the public to not let a couple bad apples ruin their view of a talented group of officers.

View the board’s full presentation HERE.