parking lot fallThe parking lot along Highway 655 is being looked at as a new revenue generator for the city.

City Clerk Steph Palmateer identified the lot in his budget presentation to council, along with a lot near HGS on Second Avenue.

At this point, neither lots require residents to pay but a change to both could bring in an upwards of $25,000.

The 655 lot has been used frequently by sledders during the winter and more recently, by staff at Timmins and District Hospital.  Roughly 40-50 cars are parked there daily and is also a popular meeting place for carpools headed out-of-town.

Earlier this year, the hospital introduced a controversial new parking system that cost staff either $6 a day or $55 a month and some staff have instead opted to park further to save some cash.

Palmateer says if they start charging people at the lot, they would make it a ‘permit only’ lot instead of the ‘pay and park’ option seen in lots across the downtown core.  Council also heard exemptions could be made during the Christmas holidays and the March Break.

According to the city’s website, a monthly permit costs $50.85 (taxes included) but it’s unknown if these two lots would see any form of discount.