harper wiki


With Stephen Harper being ousted as Prime Minister, we felt it would be a nice gesture to give him a gift basket for all his hard work. Some of the items we want to include:

  • calculator (he seems to struggle with +/-);
  • scales (so he knows what “balanced” really looks like);
  • receipt book (ALWAYS handy when you’re giving “friends” money to keep track);
  • bilingual dictionary (either for himself to improve his French or for those appointed judges);
  • Economics for Dummies;
  • A Niquab (via Mel Gee on Facebook);
  • Music Lessons (via Tom Parisi);
  • Hair gel (via Matt Shaw on Facebook).

What are we missing? Let us know because we’ll be sending this gift basket by next week! (No, seriously…the boss gave us the green light to do so.)


Thanks for reading & stay connected with me on Twitter: @ChrisFudali