*If you would like to have you or your band featured on Under The Radar, email Daly @ ryan.daly@timminsradio.rogers.com with the subject “Under The Radar”*

I could describe the new music, but it’s better to let the bands do it themselves


Definitely a Timmins favourite, Scarlett Jane will be back in town for a show Oct. 20 with Wyatt Young! I talk with Cindy & Andrea about crowd-funding, where their inspiration comes from, why Timmins needs to stop saying “(insert name) is the next Shania Twain”, their guilty pleasure, and a TON more. We also get a listen to their next single, “We All Just Want To Be Loved”. Enjoy!

Andrea Ramolo
Cindy Doire





Check out their new album on itunes & visit their website to join Scarlett Jane’s mailing list!

Thanks for listening! Come back each Friday for new music you SHOULD be paying attention to.
For more music and arbitrary thoughts follow me on Twitter @DalyRy