
Timmins is in for a scorching week.

Environment Canada is predicting a sunny day tomorrow with the temperature reaching 33 degrees but feel more like 39 degrees by the afternoon.  The Porcupine Health Unit says this is a perfect storm for heat stroke.

“It can cause permanent disabilities or death if you don’t call 911 right away if you suspect someone of having heat stroke,” says Public Health Nurse, Stephanie Gravelle.  “Call an ambulance right away if the person feels weak, confused, slurring their speech, a fast pulse, sweating profusely, has a throbbing headache, or is dizzy.”

Gravelle adds in a few tips to keep coll and hydrated.

“Drink water before you feel thirsty and do it often. If your home isn’t air conditioned, go to a library, the mall, or other public place to cool down.  You’ll also want to avoid cooking with your stove or oven– if you can.”

The Health Unit is also advising not to keep pets or children inside vehicles with the windows rolled up.